Live reporting by
Gonzalo Guzman
Authorization for annual DCASE events, Donovan Park expansion
Gonzalo Guzman
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today's Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation meeting for #ChiDocumenters @ChiDocumenters
11:00 AM Mar 10, 2021 CST
Due to COVID-19 safety precautions the meeting will be live streamed on the City of Chicago's Vimeo channel starting at 11:00 am…
The Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation has jurisdiction over all special events and related programs as well as matters generally affecting the Chicago Park District.
The committee is made up of 16 alderman with Ald. Nicholas Sposato (38th Ward) as the Chairman and Andre Vasquez Jr (40th Ward) as the committee's Vice Chair.
There are only two ordinances on today's agenda. The first seeks authorization for the annual programs and events contracted by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special events (DCASE) for 2021.……
The second is regarding the improvement and expansion of Donavan Park at 3609 S Lituanica Avenue which would include the acquisition and remediation of a .46 acre private lot across the street at 837 W 36th street.……
Chairman Sposato calls the meeting to order. In their opening comments they call this the "Happy Committee." A roll call is taken and a quorum is met. There are a lot of jokes made at the beginning of the meeting and it does feel lighter than some meetings.
Someone submitted a written statement for public comment. It is not read nor was it provided to the public.
The January 2021 Monthly Rule 45 Report for the Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation is approved without comment.
RULE 45. Each committee of the City Council shall cause to be kept a record of its proceedings, which record shall include all matters referred to that committee, all matters referred to subcommittees of that committee, hearings held on each such referred matter, reports...(1/3)
and recommendations made by and materials received by the committee and the attendance of each committee member at regularly scheduled committee meetings; and whenever a roll call is had by any committee the record shall plainly indicate the vote of each member thereon...(2/3)
A roll call shall be had on any matter at the request of any member of the committee. Committee records shall be filed on a monthly basis in, and posted online by, the Office of the City Clerk. (3/3) - Office of the City Clerk Site
Now they are addressing the first ordinance on the agenda regarding the authorization of 2021 annual programs and events through DCASE. Commissioner Mark Kelly says that this is a pretty routine ordinance with no major changes and is here to answer questions from the committee.
Ald. Tunney (44th Ward) asks if there are any COVID relief funds being sent to special events since there has been such a large loss of revenue. Kelly says their budget was cut by 49%. They are proud of how they generated over 10 million in arts recovery through the department.
Kelly is hoping there is some money in the Biden administration COVID plan for arts & culture programming, but they are unsure right now. Tunney asks that they keep the committee informed on how things develop.
Ald. Lopez (15th Ward) asks what events are on deck for 2021. Jennifer Johnson Washington (Director of Special Events) says that all typical events are listed for this upcoming year with the understanding that the budget restriction only allows so much.
Lopez asks if everything is been put on there regardless of if they can actually do any of these things because of COVID safety. Johnson says yes, but it when it comes to actually planning these events it will be dependent on current COVID guidelines.
Lopez brings up using the corporate fund to help support the department due to the loss of revenue that would normally support the department.
Vice Chair Vasquez (40th Ward) asks if there are federal funds allocated for culture & arts. Kelly says $140 million is going to the NEA and most of that will go to states. Vasquez asks about endeavors for the department to raise money utilizing local artists.
Kelly says a challenge is not being able to have public facing events right now, but mentions the success of Buddy Chicago that ran during the holidays and will be in the cultural center soon.
Next we are looking at the ordinance regarding the expansion and improvement of Donovan Park in Bridgeport. This would add .46 acres to the park by purchasing a small private lot across the street. The total cost is $1 million with about half being funded through Chi Parks Dep.
Ald. Thompson (11th Ward) says this is a project they have been working on for a long time. There is a demand for expanding and improving the park as well as adding a field house as the community has grown in the area.
Ald Tunney ask about the part of Lituanica Ave that will be closed to expand the park and if it will be vacated of utilities. The answer is no since this would be very expensive. It will be covered with grass and no major structures so it can easily accessed by utility workers.
The ordinance passes and both of these will move to the full City Council meeting on March 24th. With no further items on the agenda, Chairman Sposato says the meeting of the "Happy Committee" is adjourned at 11:40 am
This concludes the Chicago Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation meeting. For more meeting coverage, check out