
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
5:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. EDT

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Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Talia Gordon

Board approved 2-year contract with DFT. Teachers at the top salary tier will receive a 42.5% increase in pay from 2017. First year teachers will earn $55,000, the highest starting salary in Michigan.

Live reporting by Colleen Cirocco

Board approved 2-year contract with DFT. Top step teachers will receive a 42.5% increase in pay. First year teachers will earn $55,000, the highest starting salary in Michigan.

Colleen Cirocco @colleencirocco
Hey Detroit! At 5:30 PM I’ll be live-tweeting the DPSCD Regular Board Meeting for #DETdocumenters
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01:35 PM Jul 9, 2024 CDT

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Here is a link to tonight's agenda:…
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Visit the board's website for information on attending tonight's meeting online or in person:
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Watching the meeting now on YouTube - there are only a couple board members and Superintendent Vitti present so far.
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President Angelique Peterson-Mayberry opens the meeting - welcoming those who are attending in person at East English Village Preparatory Academy.
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Peterson-Mayberry reads meeting norms and leads a moment of silence for Dr. William F. Pickard.
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Peterson-Mayberry holds space to mention a recent shooting that injured 19 and killed 2 on the East side of Detroit.…
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Everyone stands for "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Lift Every Voice and Sing" - normally this is performed by students but they are listening to a recording today.
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➡️ Item 3 and 4 - approval of the agenda and of meeting minutes from 4 previous meetings between 6/11/24-4/24/24. The agenda is approved and minutes are approved.
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Public comment registration has closed as of 5:42 pm.
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➡️ Chair's remarks
There was a great event honoring retirees last week at the DIA. Some educators announced they are already coming back to the district to work as a retiree.
Reminder about "Meet Up and Eat Up" for food assistance.
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Almost 9,000 students in summer school.
This concludes Chair remarks.
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➡️ Financial report from CFO
Received additional federal and state grant money, due to a local millage. Expenditures in line with budget projection.
Approximately 21 weeks of available cash.
2 weeks ago Gov. signed updated budget- did not receive an increase in per pupil
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Overall, they received more money than anticipated
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➡️ Item 8 Superintendent's Report
William Spivey, 70 years old, receives a certificate, earned his GED in 4 months - record time! Everyone stands up and applauds.
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Superintendent Vitti continues his report.
"Loved, Challenged, and Prepared" initiative was successful - students felt more loved, challenged, and prepared.
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Some metrics from his presentation:
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60% of students showed a year of growth, up from 54% last year.
60% of students enrolled in college and career level courses, up from 49.6% last year.
74.3% graduation rate - this is pending because summer school is in session.
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This chart shows that K-8 reading levels are improving - the green and dark green represent students at or above grade level reading. 2024 numbers are on the far right.
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Basic skills instruction and small group instruction are leading to these improvements in reading - this chart breaks down the specific elements by which reading levels are measured.
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Students are improving in math even more than in reading this year.
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Positive trends in science as well - for grades 5, 8, and 11
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Students who were a part of an academic intervention program showed an average of 19 more days in school. Students were twice as likely to show 1 year of growth when participating in the intervention program.
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Paraphrasing: We're excited to know what we already know - that our students can do this when given the support they need. - Dr. Vitti
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Vitti presents salary increase information - a 2 year contract. Existing and starting teachers are getting an increase. This is now the HIGHEST starting salary in Michigan.
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This will allow them to recruit in metro Detroit more.
They have moved to a salary schedule for paraprofessionals.
All full time staff gets a $2k retention bonus.
Performance bonuses are coming - based on student improvement.
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Referral bonuses for teachers who bring new talent to the district - between $1k-5k depending on the position.
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Negotiated, with DFT, to bring language back into the contract.
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Peterson-Mayberry is very excited about the new contract - and about having a 2 year contract in general - thanks the district and DFT for working together.
Council member Gay-Dagnogo also thanks everyone involved in the collective bargaining.
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Council member Mays has questions about the Mackenzie Scott Literacy Intervention Model. Is wondering if there was proficiency data along with the growth data that he presented.
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Based on the intervention model, they wouldn't expect proficiency in 1 year because of the level that they start at (more than 2 grade levels behind). He can run the data and get it to her - some may have moved to proficiency if they were only 2 years behind, most were more.
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May to Vitti - How do we do this to scale? You are saying that the highest success is a combination of the academic interventionist and a receptiveness with school staff.
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Vitti to May - ultimately the principal has to communicate a vision and plan behind it. We were strategic in selecting principals that would be receptive to it.
May - it would be helpful for the district to develop an implementation roadmap for less receptive principals.
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Another board member (didn't get her name): Are we capturing where students are in the fall vs where they were at the end of the previous school year?
Despite our progress, we know a lot of students are playing catch-up.
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Vitti isn't sure on a solution - they would have to take the end of year test from their previous grade in addition to the new test for their new grade to get the answer to her question.
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Vitti - the only way to accelerate achievement is through the Academic Intervention model. With good attendance, a student can expect to have 1 year of growth - an interventionist can accelerate that.
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Peterson-Mayberry - how many schools were in the pilot and how many students?
8-12 schools, but has to double check.
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Board member - This has to be a cultural change. We need a clear roadmap of expectations and behaviors, how to measure it. We need to see the detailed roll out plan.
Board member McClendon - can we get data on learning loss from this year's summer school students?
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Peterson-Mayberry - some schools are doing really well and moving at a faster pace, what are the best practices?
Vitti - this is included in the plan, to create principal playbooks.
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🚨 Public Comment
Founder of educational material development company. It's urgent to help these students succeed, and we have one chance to do it. So much educational content isn't putting the student at the center of the learning. Wants to introduce himself to the board.
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Mother of DPSCD students, they are doing really well in school, is part of the PTA. Wants to say kudos to the board. DPS is sending our children to good colleges, but as parents we have to take part in it.
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Husband of the previous speaker. Thanks Dr. Vitti and the board for their work. Has a son on the spectrum, is in high school, has a job now. DPS has been doing a great job with him. Thanks for approving the pay raise.
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Willie Spivey - the GED graduate who was honored earlier. The word 'intervention' is so important - that's how he got back into his education. Is taking more classes at community college now. Wants to volunteer in the science department at the most challenged school.
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Representative from DFT - the ratified agreement that you are signing this evening is setting the tone and tenor for this state. This all matters a lot.
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Representative from Equal Opportunity Now By Any Means Necessary - school board members should not approve the firing of Nicole Conaway.…
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4th grade teacher at Thirkell Elementary. Principal should have been removed but was transferred to another school. Why was the data ignored? We need more documentation of our school leaders' performance. Some principals can be fired, some are transfered.
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How much is the board getting paid since giving themselves a stipend? Wants to know how much the stipend is and how much Vitti's salary is within 2 weeks so there isn't a legal issue. The taxpayers need to know where their money is going.
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DPS security guard, has been there for 13 years. Is trying to save his job. Has not had any violations or write ups until this year - student was spitting in his face, was injured after being restrained. Is unfortunate, is apologetic. Wants to keep his job.
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Parent of 2 students - complete failure to provide education to young black male students, especially with disabilities. Is wondering what the attrition rate is for these students at Montessori schools.
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Mental health/homework hotline - if you don't use it, you lose it - we need data on this service.
The scheduling for summer school is wrong. Bridge Program is scheduled at the same time as summer school.
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Moving to online public commenters:
Teacher with the district, works with special needs students. Speaking in support of Nicole Conaway, the students love her and she loves them.
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Is asking if the camera could be tilted so we can see the slides - we can't see the names of the board members. We can't see the interpreter. (this is all true!)
In support of Nicole Conaway. She went through a similar situation, they tried to fire her.
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cont - believes this is a vendetta against BAMN members. They would not honor her ADA accommodations. Board members need to step up and not just rubber stamp things that Vitti presents.
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Nicole Conaway - teacher in Detroit for over 20 years, a member of BAMN. Believes the board has come after her because of her leadership. ADA accommodation not honored. Vitti asks the board to fire her (again) tonight. An attempt to intimidate her.
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Lifelong Detroiter and member of BAMN, in support of Nicole Conaway.
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Teacher at School at Marygrove. A member of BAMN, supporter of Nicole Conaway. She will continue to fight, and you (DPSCD) will continue to lose. Let the kids have a great teacher. Also supports the Thirkell teachers.
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➡️ Close of public comment - Dr. Vitti responds to questions that commenters posed.
4,270 students at 15 schools were part of the pilot at Mackenzie Scott Schools, the academic intervention program (response to a board question).
- Will look into the scheduling of summer school
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- Edmonson has a paid latchkey program, not licensed, not tax-deductible.
- In MI, a loophole exists, an employee can be accused of child abuse, a district could be investigating, the employee resigns from that district, and work for another district. There is no data system.
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They address the Nicole Conaway comments - reading aloud a court document that is public record. Conaway alleges that the district is not accommodating her ADA request. Vitti's motion is to terminate her due to lack of attendance since 2020.
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➡️ moving past the closed session - moving to item 11 Administrative Terminations
Motion to approve the superintendent's recommendations - motion carries.
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➡️ 11.02 - Terminations for Cause
Motion to approve the superintendent's recommendations - motion carries.
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These items have been tie-bar'd and are approved.
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These have gone through committees, motion to approve, passes.
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All of the changes that were made reflect changes to state law.
Motion to tie-bar, approved
Motion to approve, approved
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➡️ Announcements
Peterson-Mayberry - events listed on the website
Hiring fair on Thurs
Summer school ends on July 26
Educator of the Year awards is coming up
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➡️ Motion to Adjourn - passes at 7:57 pm
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🚨 If you find anything inaccurate in my tweets, please email with the subject “Correction Request.”
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Meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm. This concludes the DPSCD Regular Board Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 8/13/2024. For more meeting coverage, check out .

Agency Information

Detroit Public Schools Community District

Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) is Michigan’s largest public education system. It is governed by a locally-elected, seven-member board. The District’s mission is to provide every student with a beneficial and rightful educational experience, preparing students to be career and college ready, and qualified to compete in the global market. The District has 106 schools and educates 50,000 children.


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