Community Development Commission

Chicago Department of Planning and Development

Chicago, IL 60602 (Directions)

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Susan Carlotta Ellis

Congress Theater in Logan Square, Fullerton/Milwaukee TIF, BUILD Inc in Austin, Harrison/Central TIF

Live reporting by Savannah Hugueley

Congress Theater in Logan Square, Fullerton/Milwaukee TIF, BUILD Inc in Austin, Harrison/Central TIF

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The meeting has started a few minutes with quorum established.

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According to their website, “The Community Development Commission (CDC) was established by the Chicago City Council in 1992 to assume the duties of the former Commercial District Development Commission and the Department of Urban Renewal.”

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Gwendolyn Hatten Butler, Chair, is leading the meeting.

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The minutes from the January 18th meeting were approved. Members of the public registered in advance with the CDC to speak at this meeting. Each public comment has 3 minutes. There is one public comment today.

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William Grams is speaking on the Congress Theater Development:

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BR Congress Owner, LLC is requesting Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funding of $20 million for this project. The grant will be administered in two equal installments.

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Ald. Daniel La Spata supports the project.

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La Spata states there are lot of vacant storefronts on this stretch of Milwaukee Ave, and supports that this development will bring in affordable housing and commercial space.

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Ivette Trevino brings up the public comments concerns about how many jobs this development will create. Grams (DPD) responds that this is projected to create 125 permanent jobs (full-time equivalent) and 200 temporary construction jobs.

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Dwight Curtis asks if this is just the theater or other development. Grams responds that this project includes 20 residential rental units (14 will be affordable between 40-80% AMI), the Congress Theater, 13,000 square feet of commercial space, and retail space.

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Andrew Scott with the developer explains that the Congress Theater is projected to hire 100 people, and it is projected that the storefronts will hire another 25.

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Commissioner Cox moves to approve the FULLERTON/MILWAUKEE TIF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Commissioner Curtis is only no on project, stating he wants to know more about the people who live in that area. Everyone else votes yes. Approved.

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Beth McQuire (DPD) is speaking on the Harrison/Central TIF Redevelopment Project Area (Ward 29) for BUILD Chicago

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The project will develop the space. See the current building and the concept for the new campus:

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Ald. Christopher Taliaferro speaks in support of BUILD and this development, saying it will support more kids in the Austin community.

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The HARRISON/CENTRAL TIF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA is approved. Motion passes unanimously.

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Motion to adjourn approved. Meeting adjourned at 1:55 pm.

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This concludes the Community Development Commission meeting. For more meeting coverage, check out

Agency Information

Chicago Department of Planning and Development

See meeting notes for details

(312) 744-4190

See Documenters reporting

As the principal planning agency for the City of Chicago, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) promotes the comprehensive growth and sustainability of the City and its neighborhoods. The department also oversees the City’s zoning and land use policies and, through its economic development and housing bureaus, employs a variety of resources to encourage business and real estate development, as well as a diverse and stable housing stock throughout the City.

Remote meetings of Department of Planning and Development agencies are live-streamed here. If the stream is not yet “Live” or “On air” you may be early or the meeting may be starting behind schedule. Wait a few moments and refresh your Internet browser tab.

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