Committee on Finance and Administrative Services; Board of Trustees
City Colleges of ChicagoThis is a remote assignment. This meeting will be live-streamed at If you do not see the meeting video immediately you may be early or the board may be running late; give it a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.
For this assignment you will be documenting the following back-to-back meetings:
- 12:30 p.m.: Committee on Finance and Administrative Services
- 2:00 p.m.: Board of Trustees
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, several scheduled committee meetings have been canceled on shorter notice. We recommend checking the original posting day-of to confirm if the committee is still meeting.
Check the source website for additional information
Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team
FY2022 budget
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting this afternoon’s @ChiCityColleges meetings for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters
12:06 PM Jul 13, 2021 CDT

There are two meetings this afternoon:
- 12:30pm: Committee on Finance and Administrative Services
- 2:00pm: Board of Trustees
Tune in here:

Agenda for the Committee on Finance and Administrative Services

Regular Board Meeting agenda (PDF):
More info and supporting documents:

We are watching a presentation regarding the @ChiCityColleges FY2022 budget. Slides outline budget priorities and how the budget will achieve strategic plans.

Stimulus Funds Update (HEERF). Round 1 funds are depleted.

FY22 budget highlights. The total FY22 budget is $509 million.

Final slide of the presentation discusses how @ChiCityColleges relied on their cash position due (in part) to state budget impasse. City Colleges hopes to stabilize their cash position.

@ChiCityColleges Starting at 1.00, the board is going through resolutions listed on the agenda ( 1.00-03 are being read. It is noted that 1.01 will be discussed in closed session.

The personnel report (2.00) and resource development report (3.00) are read. You can find these reports here (PDF):

Agreements 4.00-08 are being read. More info also available here:

The committee approves the motion to discharge the July 2021 Board Packet.

The Committee on Finance and Administrative Services adjourns at 1:05pm.
The Board of Trustees meeting will begin at 2:00pm.

When I was able to tune in, the board was discussing Resolution 1.02 (info here:
1.02 is approved. This was to elect officers of the board of trustees.

Student Trustee Imran Hoque Fasal thanks the board for their participation in a recent CCC Juneteenth event.

Juan Salgado provides the Chancellor’s Update. Salgado notes the discussion of the FY22 budget and strategic plan discussed in the earlier committee meeting today. Salgado also notes the tuition hourly rate remains fixed for the sixth straight year.

Chancellor Salgado says that vaccines are (and will be) available for students and discusses remote and on-campus learning options for returning students. “We’re delighted that we can provide those greater options for our students.” Salgado thanks CDPH for their guidance.

- An employee of Local 1708 discusses issues regarding rodent infestations and lack of hot water in CCC facilities. She says many students have been refusing to wear masks and that heat is still blasting in some facilities.

- The 1708 member calls out Salgado, suggesting he has been scared to come out of his office and face students and conditions. The remarks are met with applause from some audience members.

- I did not catch the man’s title. He brings up the Delta variant and the racial disparity in vaccination throughout Chicago. He calls on the board to keep all CCC vaccination sites open for 12 hours a day, and to require masks for all students/staff and 6 air room changes/hour

- A CCC employee for almost 35 years. She says Salgado has not prioritized Daley College. She says the system is failing the Latino students and the surrounding communities. She says Salgado forgot where he came from. “Es tiempo de trabajar por nuestro pueblo.”

- I believe the man is a CCC adult education instructor. He voices some frustration in some of his experiences working with CCC’s legal department.

- President of Cook County College Teachers Union. Demands CCC pushes to 80% vaccination rate by Oct 1. Says CCC should not be closing vaccination sites. Says CCC ventilation is not adequate, saying 6 air changes/hour is minimum recommended. Calls on mask requirement/distancing.

- (continued) The man says custodial workers and security officers are still without contracts. “We all want to return to work, but it must be done safely.”

- Executive VP representing Local 1708. She says her members have returned to unsafe working conditions. She points to leaking roof missing tiles that has not been fixed in a year. She mentions dead mice and rodent droppings. There were 1708 t-shirts with holes bitten by mice.

- (continued) The woman mentions the Delta variant and that students have been seen not wearing masks. She has brought pictures of working conditions (they are not shown). “Work with us, CCC.” The audience applauds.

- A CCC employee and 1708 member voices concerns after returning to campus in June. She says 1708’s concerns were not addressed. “Shame, shame, shame.” She says 1708 will continue to fight for plexiglass barriers, saliva testing, and HEPA filters.

The board meeting has reconvened at 3:41pm. There was no action taken during closed session.

We are hearing the committee report, which discusses the earlier Committee on Finance and Administrative Services meeting held today. A summary of this meeting is read.

The board has approved the consent agenda. Item 3.00 (Resource Development Report) will be voted on separately.

This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters
Please see @ChiCityColleges‘s website for more information. Reply to this thread or DM me with any questions.
Agency Information
City Colleges of Chicago
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of City Colleges of Chicago Community College District No. 508, which operates seven accredited colleges located throughout Chicago. The City Colleges of Chicago Board is comprised of seven voting members serving three-year terms as appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council of Chicago. The Board includes one student trustee elected from one of the Colleges through a campus-wide election. For an overview of the Board of Trustees, including a link to where Board Reports (meeting agenda items and minutes), click here.