Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023
9:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. EDT

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601 Lakeside Ave Cleveland, OH 44114 (Directions)

City Hall (Attend in person or watch via YouTube), Room 516

The five-member Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Appeals hears appeals from property owners who are challenging orders from The Department of Building and Housing, The Cleveland Division of Fire, and other housing-related agencies. Appellants often seek more time to get permits for construction or building use or to remedy housing violations. The board reviews matters relating to the location, design, materials, construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use or occupancy, maintenance, removal or demolition of any building or other structure, or appurtenance connected or attached to such buildings or structures, regulated by the Building Code of the City of Cleveland.

Find meetings live streamed here:

Find Documenters coverage of past board meetings here.

NOTE: This meeting could run as long as 3 hours.

Board members:

  • Robert Maschke, Architect
  • Peggy Lipscomb, Architect (alternate)
  • Patrick M. Gallagher, Chair & Labor Representative
  • Joe Denk, Mechanical Engineer
  • Howard Bradley, Builder

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Live reporting by Marvetta Rutherford

Board grants some property owners more time to address violations, denies others

Denise A@cleDocumenter

Hey #Cleveland tomorrow morning I am covering the #BoardOfBuildingStandards for #cledocumenters @cledocumenters @signalcleveland
Join me here and on YouTube until then…

01:20 PM Aug 1, 2023 CDT

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I have a big cup of coffee tuhday #Cleveland how about you 😉🙃🙂

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Looks like we are getting ready to begin shortly…I see the cursor moving around the @YouTube screen join us now!

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They are getting started and reading the preamble…
Roll call and Call to Order
This is a hybrid Meeting
First case to be heard

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They have a tenant who has dogs
They are in eviction proceedings
They are waiting for the court process
90 days is what Jamal Warith
City agreed
Motion made and passed

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@KrisHarsh is in objection to additional time and is not in the Meeting

Joe Stralka is the presenter and he and the city are in agreement the situation is in compliance
Motion made and passed

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@KrisHarsh This is in Ward 11 the presenter says he has been having trouble getting a great contractor
He might be next spring....

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@KrisHarsh Tom Vanover from the city asked how long the parking lot has been owned. It was damaged when purchased
90 days is reasonable he said.
Joe Fasino is the owner he is stating his previous delay with the city

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@KrisHarsh Motion made and passed to take care of the project
Fasino wants to give a date.
Gallagher said the city will be watching

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We are searching for the people attached

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One more opportunity is the request of the board is the case
Parties are sworn in to see if there is a danger due to this being an elevator issue with one of the case numbers

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Vanover said the elevator is sealed
He said one more continuous appointment is ok

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Vanover after reviewing the case said to remand the case
Motion made and passed

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Two cases are related and the owner is not present today
The secretary said she spoke with the owner via email and phone
This is also a violation for the elevator in an occupied building

Recommended to remand
Vanover said the structure is required .

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Motion made and passed to remand

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Fire damaged is the next issue

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Marc is the owner and he is ready to proceed. He has lived there 30 years. The contractor wants to restore the area damaged. He feels 6 months would be ok
Vanover said permits are in place and in process
But no inspection done
Motion made and passed

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Next time to abate the violation

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The owner is present via the phone. He is sworn in
And wants to know how much time he can get. He has paid over 3k to get a resident out who had been there since 2019

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Vanover gave the report from the city. There’s plenty of exterior work needing to be done
The owner said he has the funding to get the job done
90 days
The owner wants to know how much time he has. He agreed with 90 days
Motion made passed

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Alex Is the presenter of the next case a hostile tenant is now gone he wants 90 days
Vanover doesn’t object but wants the exterior cleaned and permits pulled

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Motion made and passed
Next up

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30 days is the motion passed

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Mr Cook is the presenter with the owner.

Mr Fabris is making his case in regards to getting condemnation is reversed

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Vanover said permits are given often but the foundation is the issue and is not safe
Structural engineering is definitely required

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Fabris started talking about a window being the issue
He said he had an employee there and the foundation and roof is good.
Gallagher said the pictures showed damages

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Robert Maschke is in support of the city for remanding
Vanover spoke about the condemnation and contract is in place for an emergency situation
Maschke asked if the plan was submitted in 2 weeks would the city be agreeable?
Vanover spoke to current situation

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Someone at the table suggested that the property be processed for demolition
He also wants documents to show Mr Fabris had authority to proceed
Fabris wants to have a new inspection
Vanover wants the record to show the pictures as the basis

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Vanover asks for denial
Floor issues are critical Motion made and passed for denial
Objections from the contractor

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Mr Simmons is the owner
He plans to repair his home

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He has removed pests from the exterior and other things from the exterior
He used to live there and left his house due to unsafe conditions
A police friend moved in and was robbed of appliances etc
He wants 180 days to complete

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Vanover spoke to the lack of permits
Four permits are required
Motion made and passed

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Vacant lot is next

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No one is present in this case
No return of notice as asked
This case proceeded

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Storage structure was built without permit
Motion made and passed to remand

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Next up extension of time

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Bryan Farkas is the presenter he said that the structure was torn down
Vanover asks about permits
Farkas said he would assume
Vanover asks more questions to clarify the parcel
The secretary interjected to this issue and gave an additional address

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Permits were pulled according.
Status work complete
Gallagher made a motion and passed

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Next up downtown!

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Parties are sworn in
One member has recused himself
Persons involved are spelling their names
We only have 3 members and they must agree fully

Mr Einhouse spoke to tenants who have moved out of the building

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They plan Residential development
This is the Buckley Building
There is retail space in the first floor area
Vanover spoke to the current situation
The mechanical engineer Robert Sustar spoke about the sprinklers issue

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They seek a variance as submitted

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Vanover asks if they plan to renovate
Sustar says some

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Vanover asks for the percentage of unsprinklered units
21% was the answer

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Fire separation is planned for the offices occupied by playhouse square

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More discussion of the occupy
Fire department is in the process asking about the plans for the hydraulic system but there are audio issues
So Vanover asks in the place

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Capt Dave Telban is present for the department
Lt Oleksiak has additional questions about the project

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The basement has coverage for the most part
Limited areas of the 1st floor are in question

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Oleksiak suggested a detailed description on the record

Berardi Builders are the presenters
Gallagher made a motion
That passed

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Next order of business

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Motion made and passed
Approval of minutes July 19, 2023
No further questions
Meeting is adjourned!

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Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to
Or email us at

I love you, #Cleveland until the next time 😍😍😍😉💜💚💙

Note-taking by Kellie Morris

Playhouse Square building gets variance for sprinklers

Agency Information

Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals

The Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals is a 5-member body responsible for hearing appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Commissioner of Building and Housing, or any other administrative official or agency of the City, relating to the location, design, materials, construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use or occupancy, maintenance, removal or demolition of any building or other structure, or appurtenance connected or attached to such buildings or structures, regulated by the Building Code of the City of Cleveland.

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